We base our efforts on sound, up-to-date science. You can learn more using the following resources:
Take Action in Real Time
BirdCast Migration Dashboard - Explore nightly migration data to see how many birds are traveling in your region in real time. Then send out alerts on peak migration nights.
dBird or iNaturalist - Report dead or injured birds in Baltimore City.
Explore Solutions
Bird-Friendly Building Design - American Bird Conservancy’s publication on why and how to design a built environment that’s safer for birds.
Building Guidelines for Architects
Home solutions for glass and window treatments
Glass Collisions Products Database
Learn More
American Bird Conservancy’s FAQs about Birds and Collisions
Audubon’s Bird-Friendly Buildings Fact Sheet
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service’s ‘Threats to Birds: Collisions - Buildings & Glass’
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service’s ‘Threats to Birds: Collisions - Nighttime Lighting’
American Bird Conservancy’s Resource Library
Better Together
Urban Bird Treaty Cities network
Dark Sky - Formerly the International Dark Sky Association (IDA), Dark Sky is the recognized authority on light pollution and the leading organization combating light pollution worldwide.
Design Light Consortium - The DLC is a non-profit organization whose mission is to achieve energy optimization by enabling controllability with a focus on quality, people, and the environment.
What’s That Bird?
Merlin - Identify birds by sight or sound